AXA SmartCare Essential (18 - 60 years old)

Search for a plan that suits you.
Date of birth of the insured person
Better coverages, more benefits
Recover with peace of mind
Special nursing service THB 1,000 per day (max 30 days per year).
More benefit when used with group insurance
Let your group insurance covers medical expenses and we will take care of your income with daily hospital benefits up to THB 3,500 per day (max 31 days per year).
Financial protection for family
Compensation for loss of life or permanent disability from accident (PA.2) up to THB 120,000.
Cashless claim
AXA health insurance medical provider network nationwide up to 400 hospitals
List of additional hospitals
Eligible for applicants aged 18 to 60 years old.
Renewable up to the age of 99 years old.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)